Learn the art of adulting

There is no textbook for life, but here at 9to5grad we provide the knowledge and resources for you to reach all of your goals and dreams.

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Get your finances together

Learn how I went from a negative net worth individual with poor spending habits to growing every month with minimal effort and spending on the items I love.

Land your dream job

Go from a seemingly non-stop, frantic, busy job with a company that does not value you to standing out and growing in a career of your choice.

hat, graduation, graduation hat

Navigating your next degree

With a bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering and a master's in Computer Science, I can help you navigate the overwhelming world of academics.

increase your productivity

As an undergrad, I initially failed physics, but eventually learned the tricks to studying (the secret is the state of deep focus)! Apply this rare skill to any aspect of your life and become a standout.

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Should I Go to Grad School?

Choosing to pursue an advanced degree through grad school, whether in the engineering world, the medical field, or for an MBA, is a difficult and complicated decision that will have huge implications on the trajectory of your career. Use these five criteria that will allow the best choice to be made based on your personal preferences.

The Case for Higher Education

Higher education, specifically Master’s and Ph.D’s, has become the scorn of modern bloggers and media members who ridicule the high costs and low return. This viewpoint is misguided and will lead many astray in their path for personal growth. It will also lead our entire society down a destructive rabbit hole. Read on to learn why academia, beyond that of an undergraduate degree, adds immense value in and of itself both to the individual and society as a whole.  

Get the most value from your education by leveraging return on investment

Return on investment (ROI) is a key principal when understanding the performance of assets such as real estate or stocks. It is a helpful benchmark for knowing whether money is being made or lost, and whether something is actually an investment. In the world of higher education, ROI can be leveraged to make sense of the long-term financial impact a degree will have. Ultimately, it should be used to choose a profitable major and caution against spending too much on an education. 


Learn to live with money, not for money. By taking control of your personal finances, so many opportunities will become a realistic option. Get the major purchases right, kill your debt, invest for your future, and always enjoy a latte!

Earn more, prioritize your spending, focus on big wins, and invest!

Professional growth

Become a standout employee that can pick where to work and who to work for. We are not here to help you “find your passion” but instead to help you bring a passion and an energy to your line of work everyday. 

Dust off your resume, find the right job, learn new skills, become a better communicator and leader, and watch as your career takes off!


Education is a powerful tool to grow intellectually, move into a field of your choice, and earn more money professionally. Learn how to make the right educational decisions and thrive as a lifelong learner. 

Decide on the correct degree for you, kill it in the classroom, and leverage your education for the career of your dreams. 


All aspects of life suffer when the ability to work deeply is lacking. Productivity is not about crossing off as many tasks off of a to-do list as possible. Instead, learn how to stand out in your field by mastering the art of deep work and focus. 

Learn to work deeply everyday, while at the same time having the time to enjoy time with your friends and family.